Limitless Learning
The development of Skyil is from the idea that students need a platform which identifies and understands their needs. As many of the Tutors and Parents aren’t aware of the same, we are here to focus on what the learner wants. Every learner irrespective of his age and nature has some idea or need in which we need to identify and provide the growth potential to convert the idea to a reality. Skyil is working on that conversion in which the learner’s potential needs to be addressed and make the right path to their career advancement.
Skyil provides courses for students from 5 to 12 standard in different learning programs such as Beginner, Level Up and Advanced. The courses are designed and developed to meet the needs of different student levels based on their pace and understanding regarding their ability to learn. Skyil works on the principle which is known as learning by doing. With regular practical sessions and workshops during Individual sessions by our mentors, our learners are able to identify the areas in which our learners need support and guide them to level and be advanced learners in the course of action.
During exam time, Skyil provides detailed one-to-one sessions through our mentors for the students to overcome exam stress and shares easy methods to tackle their exam fears. This method helps the students to study more and tackle the exam in a cool and easy manner.
How Skyil Works
Skyil developed its education mechanism to generate a better education system for a better world. As we speak sky is the limit, our learners should be able to learn without any limitations. We value the time, effort, hardships and all the factors that students and their parents make for their better future. Skyil will share the results for the same.
Skyil is an education platform created to enhance the potential of students who are lighting lamps for future generations. The core idea behind the creation of the Skyil is from a friendly chat between our team members long before. Why can’t we create a platform for the school students…? And people may ask why school students… The reason behind the selection of school students is that we are providing proper mentoring, tutoring and academic support to the students who are studying in schools which in turn builds a group. This group can transform into a team and this team will lead the nation for upcoming generations. Providing education not only makes them understand what’s in the books but also makes them understand the situations and act accordingly.
Skyil develops its atmosphere in such a manner in which future learners should learn without any limits. That’s why Skyil proposes the idea of limitless learning.
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Our Mission
To make students to learn without any limitations.
Our Vision
Understand the pace of each student and make him able to learn what he wants to learn.